Manuf: 奥迪,
Model: A7,
Grade: 2023款 55 TFSI quattro 尊享型,
Title: 奥迪A7 2023款 55 TFSI quattro 尊享型,
Descr: 杭州 / 未上牌 / 1.5*1000 km / 11年老店,
Kuzov type: medium and large car,
License plate information:,
First listing time: 未上牌,
Vehicle annual inspection time: 1900-01,
Compulsory traffic insurance deadline: 1900-01,
Effective date of vehicle and vessel use tax: 1900,
Basic parameters:,
Model name: Audi A7 2023 Year 55 TFSI quattro Exclusive,
Manufacturer's guide price (yuan): 78.48万,
Manufacturer: Audi (import),
Level: medium and large car,
Energy type: Gasoline +48V light Hybrid,
Environmental protection standards: EURO V I,
Listing time: 2022.11,
Maximum power(kW): 250,
Maximum torque (N.m): 500,
engine: 3.0T 340马力 V6,
gearbox: 7挡湿式双离合,
lenght * width * height (mm): 4976*1908*1419,
Body structure: 5门4 Seats 掀背车,
Maximum speed (km/h): 250,
Official 0-100km/ acceleration (s): 5.3,
WLTC fuel consumption (L/100km): 8.14,
Warranty: 3 年或10 * 10000km,
First owner warranty policy: -,
Length (mm): 4976,
Width (mm): 1908,
Height (mm): 1419,
Wheelbase (mm): 2928,
Front wheelbase (mm): -,
Rear wheelbase (mm): -,
Body structure: 掀背车,
Door opening method: 平开门,
Number of doors: 5,
Number of seats (seats): 4,
Fuel tank volume (L): 73,
Trunk volume (L): 535,
Curb weight (kg): 1960,
Maximum full load mass (kg): 2505,
engine model: DLZ,
Displacement (mL): 2995,
Displacement(L): 3.0,
Intake form: 涡轮增压,
Engine layout: 纵置,
Cylinder arrangement: V,
Number of cylinders (number): 6,
Number of valves per cylinder (number): 4,
Air Supply: -,
Maximum horsepower (Ps): 340,
Maximum power speed (rpm): -,
Maximum torque speed (rpm): -,
Maximum net power (kW): 250,
fuel form: Gasoline +48V light Hybrid,
fuel mark: 95号,
Fuel supply method: 直喷,
Cylinder head material: 铝合金,
Cylinder material: 铝合金,
Number of gears: 7,
Gearbox type: 湿式双离合 g