Manuf: 保时捷,
Model: Taycan,
Grade: 2022款 Taycan Turbo S,
Title: Taycan 2022款 Taycan Turbo S,
Descr: 上海 / 未上牌 / 0.01*1000 km / 8年老店,
Kuzov type: medium and large car,
License plate information:,
First listing time: 未上牌,
Vehicle annual inspection time:,
Compulsory traffic insurance deadline:,
Effective date of vehicle and vessel use tax: -,
Basic parameters:,
Model name: Taycan 2022 Year Taycan Turbo S,
Manufacturer's guide price (yuan): 180.80万,
Manufacturer: PORSCHE,
Level: medium and large car,
Energy type: Electro,
Listing time: 2021.07,
NEDC pure electric cruising range (km): 412,
Fast charging time (hours): 1.55,
Slow charging time (hours): 9,
Fast charging percentage: 80,
Maximum power(kW): 560,
Maximum torque (N.m): 1050,
electric motor (Ps): 762,
lenght * width * height (mm): 4963*1966*1378,
Body structure: 4门4 Seats Sedan 车,
Maximum speed (km/h): 260,
Official 0-100km/ acceleration (s): 2.8,
Warranty: 3 年或10 * 10000km,
Length (mm): 4963,
Width (mm): 1966,
Height (mm): 1378,
Wheelbase (mm): 2900,
Front wheelbase (mm): -,
Rear wheelbase (mm): -,
Body structure: Sedan 车,
Door opening method: 平开门,
Number of doors: 4,
Number of seats (seats): 4,
Trunk volume (L): 450,
风阻系数(Cd): 0.22,
Curb weight (kg): -,
electric motor:,
Motor type: 永磁/同步,
Total motor power (kW): 560,
Total torque of motor (N.m): 1050,
Number of drive motors: 双电机,
Motor layout: 前置+后置,
Battery Type: 3 Yuan 锂电池,
Battery energy (kWh): 93.4,
Electricity consumption per 100 kilometers (kWh/100km): 27,
Battery pack warranty: 八年或16 * 10000km,
Fast charging capacity(%): 80,
Number of gears: 2,
Gearbox type: Automatic gearbox (AT),
abbreviation: 2挡 Automatic,
chassis steering:,
Drive mode: Dual motor 4WD,
four-wheel drive: Electric 4WD,
Front suspension type: 双叉臂式独立悬架,
rear suspension type: 多连杆式独立悬架,
Assist type: 电动助力,
Body stru